Wednesday 19 June 2013

MASSIVE Roblox update!!! Thumbs up or down rating!

Today, Roblox have updated their website big time! You now have the ability to vote thumbs up if you like the game or thumbs down if you don't, like on youtube.
This allows players to see the ratings of the game before they play on it, and if you've played the game yourself, you can also vote. Roblox are not having a game sort for most voted games, however they are considering this in the future. You can only vote if you have a valid email address. Also, if a game is popular but has loads of dislikes, it will be pushed down the popular page!
As well as this update, look at the new layout for games!

The play button is at the side instead of underneath and the thumbnail is much bigger!
And Roblox Mobile app has been updated, fixing the ticket glitch I posted about the other day and to show the voting bar.
These are big updates and I will be posting more about them later.
Comment below what you think of these updates and keep checking my blog for more info.