Thursday 20 June 2013

More Roblox rating updates

Here is some more info about the rating system on Roblox from Chiefjustus.

Thumbs Up! Game ratings are now live
6/18/2013 at 6:02 PM

As you may have noticed, ROBLOX now has a “thumbs up” and “thumbs down” rating feature on all games.

With this feature, you can rate any given place once (and you can change your rating at any time) by clicking the thumbs up or thumbs down icon on that game's page. In order to vote, you must first play the game and you must have a verified email address on file. We will be moderating these ratings as needed; for example, if we notice a mass down-vote on a particular place, we’ll investigate the activity to make sure it’s not malicious in nature.

This feature is not manageable by game creators – that means they don’t have the option to turn it off. We believe this will help developers focus on building higher quality, more engaging games and places.

Initially, we will not factor the rating of a place into games search and presentation, but we plan to integrate it in the near future. This means that, eventually, games that are overwhelmingly given the “thumbs down” will get pushed off the top Games pages, even if they are being visited frequently. For now, we recommend you take a look at the public sentiment toward a game before you decide to spend time visiting it. If it seems as though other ROBLOXians don’t like it, it might be the kind of place that, for instance, uses a misleading thumbnail image or title to attract your attention.

We hope you enjoy this new feature! More changes coming soon…

This all sounds good, but I can imagine some complaints from little kids who think their games are amazing yet they still get loads of dislikes, if they're new builders or something. But other than that this will save many people time visiting a game which sucks because now you can just read the ratings!
More updates coming soon !!!

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