Wednesday 12 June 2013

Roblox update their games page with "top grossing" feature

Roblox are trying to improve the places on the game page by creating a new category/sort of games called the "top grossing" like on the app store or google play. Basically, they will put all of the professional games on that page, like apocalypse rising, robloxcity etc. they want their site just to look more professional for new users and review companies. This is a good idea for users who want good quality games to find easily, instead of going through pages of games called "Ride a cart into..." or ".... tycoon" and other games like that. However, it could have a bad affect for new builders who build good quality games, but they might not get as many place visits because everyone is visiting the same games on the top grossing page, and so they wont go on the newer builders games, even if they are well made! Lets hope this doesn't happen and Roblox advertise a large range of top quality games on this new category!
You can find the new game sort here in the picture below!
 Stay updated for more Roblox news!