Saturday 6 September 2014

New Roblox Event - ROBLOX University

So today marks the first day of ROBLOX University and all ready a ton of new items have been released into the catalog including a cap selling for 10 TIX, a book and a VERY expensive top hat (expensive for what it is any way). Here they are below:

Just so you know, the ROBLOX U Handbook is actually a hat and sits on your head, it is not a gear. I don't know why that is but just a warning in case that wasn't what you were expecting.

Also, a new page under the "Events" heading on the side bar gives you more information about the ROBLOX U event, as seen below.

As you can see, two prizes are shown. You can win these by completing all of the challenges within the month that the event is being held for.

You can read more about ROBLOX U and how you can win those prizes by reading the article on the ROBLOX blog. Click the following link to be taken directly to that blog post:

Thank you so much for reading and if you have any questions please feel free to comment on this post or send me a message on ROBLOX (click my name below to be taken to my profile).
