Saturday 13 July 2013

ROBLOX games page massive layout update! *New look 2013*

So as announced last week on the Roblox blog, Roblox have updated their games page! They have completely re-designed it as you can tell from the picture below.

This has made it a bit more confusing as I am not used to it, but over time it will just become natural. You can see the BC (builders club) only games are placed between two adverts, which makes it a bit hidden. At the top are the filter options and under that are the "Relevant" game sort. Next is the "Top Earning" sort, a sort only created three weeks ago.
Weirdly, the new page layout is not showing on my account, but is for my sister's account (Duckgirl63). I am still seeing the old version!

So what are your opinions of the new layout? Comment below.

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